Forest Region - a region suited for grass, bug, poison, normal, electric, dark,
ground, ghost, and psycic pokemon. Although the accasional water and fighting pokemon have been sighted fire, rock,
flying, dragon, and ice are quite rare to see in these parts. This region consists of trees and berry bushes. The towns
and cities are in large clearings one of which has a small pond.
Volcano Region - a region suited for fire, steel, rock, fighting, ground, and normal. A large inactive volcano sits in the
middle of this region where ashes are commonly found in the vally below. The fire pokemon have made home more towards the
top while the others settle in the ash filled valley.
Plains Region - This region is home to many types of pokemon including electric,
grass, flying, dark, psycic, normal, fighting, ground, and poison. This region has the occasional tree here and there bus
is mostly flat grassland.
Ocean Region - This underwater region has two parts. Freshwater and saltwater.
The only pokemon here are water and the occasional bird. From here you can go to EverGrande city.
Mountain Region - This region is mainly home to flying and ice pokemon and
holds the amazing legendary cave. The mountains hold several trees and lots of snow. Fire pokemon can also be seen here.
Desert Region - This region is home to ground pokemon who can survive the harsh
sandstorms and fire pokemon with the extreme heat. Sandstorms happen regularly and rain dosn't fall for months at a time.
Pokemon like Cacturine also live here.